Allen Bromberger, Partner of Perlman + Perlman, asks, "Once you agree on mission, and mission objectives, how do you incorporate these principles into enforceable legal obligations? Today’s impact investors and portfolio companies are aligning around mission, but how is that mission articulated? How is it incorporated into the company’s charter and deal documents? What kinds of rights are involved and who holds them?"
Therefore, Bromberger is hosting a panel at SOCAP17 addressing these questions. From a storytelling perspective, I am fascinated by how mission communications are incorporated into the legal side of an organization.
Bromberger is putting together a panel of "lawyers with experience representing impact investors and portfolio companies share strategies, ideas, best practices, tools and tactics for embedding mission and impact into legally enforceable obligations, and the trade-offs involved." Participants will "learn to align social financial objectives, now and in the future."
As a marketing professional, the idea of incorporating vision into an organization's operational agreements is highly appealing. As founders, we must stay true to our vision, and ensure that future iterations of our company will be upheld to our values. Vote up this idea, friends, and make the panel happen!
Bromberger is nationally recognized for his groundbreaking work on the development of “hybrid” legal structures that support the simultaneous pursuit of financial and social goals.