“Articulate Your Why”

Whether you are a natural champion of ideas and organizations you love, or you are looking for a fresh perspective, I have a simple formula to support your inspiring storytelling.

Articulate Your Why

When we believe in something or someone, we become their best champion because we are inspired to share their narrative. When we unlock just the right message, our ability to create even more champions is endless.

Personally, I live for discovering incredible change makers, supporting them in unlocking the strongest way to share their story with the world.

Looking back on my work so far, I see that my creative instincts followed a certain structure I call “Triple Bottom Why.” My Triple Bottom Why philosophy aligns your personal and organization’s Why so you can fulfill your community’s Why.

I have long wanted to create a comprehensive DIY guide to public relations for startups. In the spirit of entrepreneurship, here is my minimum viable chapter! Please get in touch if you have questions, thoughts, ideas, or want to work together. I hope this guide supports you in your journey to do what you love.



Most likely, you know about the Triple Bottom Line, a movement for organizations to care about profit plus people and our planet. Per Triple Pundit, our “economy, environment and society are inseparably related.” Identifying Why supports this philosophy as well.

And maybe you’ve heard of Simon Sinek and his call to Start With Why. If you haven’t seen his TED Talk, click here - you must! Sinek demonstrates a storytelling principle that has forever shifted the way many of us tell stories, asking, “Do you know your Why? The purpose, cause, or belief that inspires you to do what you do.”

Identifying your Why is the first step toward truly empathic storytelling. This is the secret to sharing a story that resonates! Empathic storytelling is what I’m here to support startups and social innovators in doing.

Triple Bottom Why

Personal Why +

Organizational Why +

Audience/Community Why

= Empathic Storytelling


“There’s something that makes him/her tick” is what we think when we interact with a passionate person. Passionate people are inspired. Passionate people are highly engaged in their work and actions. The passionate inspire others to be part of their vision and story.

Whenever we meet people who are positively passionate and motivated, we want to know Why they’re that way. (And if we’re lucky, a little of their inspirational energy rubs off on us.) When you find a good Why, you can do the work to move further along the path you’ve chosen for yourself or your business. Then, you take others along with you, too.


If you’re reading this guide, you might be the type of person who can list their inspirations and passions without having to think too hard about it. Write them down, but really try to get at the Why.

  • Why are you passionate about your work?

  • Why are you excited to get out of bed in the morning?

  • Why do you tick?


We all have day-to-day tasks that distract us from our work, and organizations are no different. Knowing and remembering the group’s purpose and mission is critical. Leadership and employees that keep their eyes on the Whys stay inspired and motivated and keep pushing forward.

Your organization’s Why can come in the form of a mission or values statement, but try to go deeper with it. Try answering these questions to identify your organization’s Why:

  • Why does your organization have its current mission?

  • Why does your organization need to be here, right now?

  • Why is the value your organization creates important?


When you have identified your personal Why, aligned with your organization’s Why, it becomes more clear how you serve your audience’s Why. Don’t lose sight of your community’s mindset — this is the most important Why!

Our Audience’s Why

How are your community’s Whys aligned with yours and your mission’s? Why are they different? When we focus on serving audience’s Whys, we become mutually invaluable.

If you need support in identifying your community’s Why, try answering these questions:

  • Why is your community coming to you?

  • Why does your community need the value your organization feels is important?

  • Why does your community’s specific business model exist?


Triple Bottom Why premise is built on the idea that we are true to our Why when we do right by ourselves, our organizations, and our audiences and communities. For the full guide and examples, download our philosophy paper or, for more guidance, sign up to be notified of our next online course, or email us for one-on-one coaching.